How to make the best version of yourself?

Providing participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify the necessary skills that help them in their lives according to ethical Islamic standards.

The program is presented in the form of daily workshops for 5 training hours for each title, including exercises, interactive models and games, during which the trainee uses a printed notebook containing basic information and some exercises and tests, and at the end of each stage post-tests are conducted to measure the impact of training and to determine the percentage of benefit among students: -
1.    Use practical cases and hire the necessary training aids
2.    Problem analysis.
3.    Share participants' experiences through discussions and brainstorming.
4.    Role playing to consolidate and rehearse acquired relationships.
5.    Assign participants specific tasks to be applied in their field of work.
6.    Measure participants' comprehension through participation, assessment and testing.

Arabic language with some technical terms in English.

15 training hours – three days – first level – interspersed with two breaks.

Seats are limited and a maximum of 12 trainees. 

27 July – 1 August Ten o'clock in the morning – until three o'clock in the afternoon." 

Tamkeen Academy halls. 

1200 Q.R

Ms. Hanadi Sheikh Naguib

For more than 25 years, Hanadi Sheikh Najib has worked as a lecturer, motivational speaker, trainer, writer, author, media producer and presenter, and has communicated with a large segment of young people of more than 100,000 from Lebanon and abroad, where she provided her intellectual, media and training products to different sectors in society, from universities, schools and high schools, training centers, youth and scout clubs, training associations and unions, media institutions, conferences and exhibitions, civil society institutions, women's associations and charitable events. and social.
Hanadi Sheikh Najib has a clear and original intellectual approach, long and deep experience, unique and diverse content, flexible and influential style, with skills in recitation and communication, and has invested her capabilities in addressing young people and approaching them to raise intellectual and skill topics related to them, and discuss them taking into account their emotional aspect, and simulate their minds through models, situations, experiences and stories that express them, to provide practical and simple steps in order to help them develop their personalities, solve their problems, overcome their challenges and achieve their ambitions.

Hanadi's message 

To inspire, develop and help activate youth energies in our Arabic societies, and contribute with those who influence them to reach the stage of intellectual, psychological, skills and financial richness, in order to achieve goodness, benefit, productivity, and integrated human renaissance.